Sunday, 1 July 2007

DCM (GV) - contd.

The DCM (GV) that I have had in my collection for many years is the following:

Lieutenant J. D. Hastie DCM, Royal Field Artillery
Distinguished Conduct Medal (GV) (30685 BQMS J. D. Hastie 93 Bty. 18 Brg. RFA), 1914 Star [bar] (30685 BQMS J. D. Hastie 93 Bty. 18 Brg. RFA), British War Medal (2 Lieut. J. D. Hastie), Victory Medal [MID] (2 Lieut. J. D. Hastie)

Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant RFA 04.01.1918
John Dudley Hastie went to France on 27 September 1914 as Sergeant (30685) in the 18 Brigade RFA. He was awarded the DCM while a BQMS in the 93 Battery, 18 Brigade, RFA (possibly the battery that he arrived in France with) “… for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty in the field”. His citation appears in the London Gazette of 16 May 1916:

“For conspicuous gallantry. While his battery was under heavy shellfire, 2nd Lieutenant Campbell[1] and By. Qrmr.-Sgt. Hastie left shelter on their own initiative, and extinguished a fire in one of the gun pits which had been hit and in which the ammunition was ignited. They set a very fine example.”

He was was MID in Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatch of 7 November 1917 while Battery Sergeant Major (LG 14 December 1917 refers) as one of a list of “men deserving special mention”.

He was commissioned Second Lieutenant in January 1918 and promoted Lieutenant on 4 July 1919. Sometime between then and the end of December 1919 he reverted to the Reserve of Officers. According to his MIC he served with 5th Brigade RFA during the time he held a commission.

He retired with gratuity on 19 February 1920 as Lieutenant RFA.

His MIC confirms that his 1914 Star and bar trio was issued to him in November 1920.

[1] Lieutenant Campbell who is mentioned in Hastie's citation was 2nd Lieutenant Roland John Campbell, 59th Battery, 18th Brigade, RFA. His MC citation, except for the name, is exactly the same as Hastie's and was gazetted on the same date as Hastie's DCM.

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